The Bristorian celebrates LGBTQ+ and Gender History with this selection of articles

How did Virginia Woolf’s Orlando become an iconic piece of queer media?
Manini Manushi Gangal details the enchanting romantic inspiration behind Woolf’s highly acclaimed novel Orlando.

Howard Ashman: The Gay Man Behind Your Favourite Disney Songs
Howard Ashman was the gay man behind some of Disney’s most iconic and award-winning songs. Charlie Whittle explores his life, artistic contributions and lasting legacy.

Masculinity, Anxiety and Mental Health in the 1950s
Emma Collins examines the history of men’s mental health in the 1950s for November.

Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance takes place on 20th November each year. Bristorian Editor-in-Chief AJ Birt explores the history of the day of remembrance, and why it still stands as a vital bastion for trans rights today.

Body Horror and The Trans Experience
Why do trans and non-binary individuals identify so strongly with narratives of body horror? Leighton Parkes explores examples in the novel, the film, and his own experiences.

An Unpronounceable Symbol: How Prince Transcended Identity
For bisexual awareness week, Anastasia O'Reilly covers the genderfluidity of musician Prince.

A Short History of Frida Kahlo’s Life and Lovers
For bisexual awareness week, Elizabeth Abbott writes about Frida Kahlo.

Spaces and Places of Bristol’s LGBTQ+ History
Stella Rogers covers a few iconic sites in Bristol’s LGBTQ+ history.

The Rise and Fall of Films and Filming Magazine: An Oasis of Male Homosexuality under Criminalisation
Gaby Turner explores the past of a lesser-known queer film magazine from the mid-20th century, Films and Filming.

Sappho: An Ancient Lesbian Icon
An icon of lesbianism, George unpacks the ancient legacy behind Sappho.

“For Your Convenience”: The Queer Geographies of the Dark
For LGBTQ+ History Month, Lewis explores the ways in which nighttime public spaces allowed for homosexuality to flourish prior to legalisation in the UK

Judy Garland as a gay icon
For The Bristorian, Jake Tickle reflects on the life of Judy Garland, exploring the various stages of her career and particularly noting her significance as a figure within the queer community.

The History of Ballroom
In celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month, and in light of the University’s LGBTQ+ society’s upcoming ball, Jake explores the expansive history of the ballroom subculture
‘The Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name’: Oscar Wilde as a Gay Icon
Oscar Wilde: Poet, alleged criminal and fashion pioneer. For LGBT History Month, the Bristorian explores the life and legacy of the man who arguably became a gay icon.

Pride & Prejudice: A Brief History of Gay Rights in the UK
2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the first Pride march in London. Materially, it appears that things have vastly improved for the LGBT+ community over this period. Yet, it has certainly not been an easy journey: many obstacles and setbacks have been overcome along the way, giving rise to some seismic milestones. As part of its LGBT+ History Month initiative, The Bristorian looks into the history of gay rights in the UK.

Orgies, Threesomes and Gay Bars in 18th century Regency London: How accurate are Bridgerton’s depictions of sexuality in this context?
Exploring the sexual phenonemon of Bridgerton and how accurate its depictions are.
By Elaura Lacey.